ABS Enclosure for WTPA, Boards on the Way
These last days of March have been decidedly un-lamb-like. Last week I got in the test boards for the final WTPA and yesterday night I assembled them. They look clean. Nice and small. I did some preliminary testing, but decided to played hookey tonight and bend up this Magick Tuxedo out of ABS. She looks good in black, right?
WTPA makes her first pre-release public debut at Dorkbot Chicago, the first DB meeting in fact since Deadtech closed its doors. I’m honored and excited and also nervous.
The version seen above is a barebones copy of the final version I ordered so I could keep coding with the latest hardware while I was waiting for the real-deal-Hollyfields to come from China, but those crafty fabricators at PCBcart are fast! They’ve already shipped! Expect this cursed soldermask-drought to end and pictures of something with a goofy silkscreen soon.
Unfortunately (???) March has seen an upswing in this whole “Business” thing which I feel obligated to pursue in order to “keep organic peanut butter on the table”, and I’m not as far along on the new audio functions as I’d like. But I’m obligated to have at least some cool new effect (and not just smartly registered MIDI jacks) to show off at the dorkbot meeting, so I’m thinking I’ll work out this granular synthesis thing I sketched out a couple weeks ago. Stay tuned for clips….
xoxoxo, TMB
Tags: bidniss, Dorkbot, PCB Fab, Plastic Work, WTPA, WTPA v0.98, WTPA v1.0